Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Vocab Sentences Week 4

Alexis Hodges
Period 3
1.My sister Lorraine was gravid for 9 months and she felt like a girl who was very obese.
2.My sister’s grades were very gravitas that her principal took her out to dinner.
3.Elijah was gravitate towards all the new girls because he found them attracting.
4.The gravity of the bins were too much for her so she asked her boyfriend to help her with them.
5.She had to alleviate in order to understand what she had to do for homework.
6.Alexis had to elevate her leg because she twisted her ankle, and when she did elevate it she felt a lot better and it wasn’t swelled anymore.
7.The sun was leavening by the time I got outside.
8. The 5th gTrade student had levity because they didn’t understand right from wrong.

Friday, May 8, 2009

"I am Poem"

I am a foster kid at San Pasqual Academy
I see potential and constant change
I hear my fellow peers telling me " Im something special"
I smell the citrus of the orange groves
I taste the water coming from my eyes
I feel disappointed in some of the decisons I make
I am ready to change for the better, I am Alexis Hodges

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Today's Day


I’m not having a very good day. A lot of things are going on and I just don’t understand why these things have to go on all in one day. I am going through many things and right now I don’t have any motivation to do anything. I’m very stressed and I just wish things were a lot better today. One of my really good friends is leaving today and I don’t want him to. Today is another day in which I feel like doing nothing. I want to leave and do other things and not be here at school because I feel like if I stay here I might be rude to anyone especially my teachers.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fourth Quarter Goals

This quarter, I will try my hardest to maintain a good grade, such as an A or B. I will stay home and finish my homework before going outside, and do tutoring if i need so.

This quarter, I will not have so much attitude towards my peers or teachers. In order to achieve this, I will walk away from the situation and express myself and ignore negativity.

This quarter, I will maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher. In order to achieve this, I will do all my classwork, study for my tests, and accomplish all my homework.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dear Principal

I am currently attending San Pasqual Academy where foster youth stay. I am a sophmore and I am very concerened about the pink slips. From what I understand the teachers who have not been here very long recieved a pink slip because there is not enough money to pay them. I would like to see my teachers stay because I like them and they have built relationships with us. I feel like if they left, there would be teachers who take their place and wouldn't want to be here. As a student at San Pasqual I feel like we should be able to speak out for our teachers and see what we can do to help save their jobs. I understand that you really can't do anything but if there is anything that we can do please let me know.

P.S Thanks for reading this letter
Sincerely, Alexis Hodges

Thursday, February 26, 2009

"Response to President Obama"

““In a global economy where the most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge, a good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity – it is a prerequisite. It is our responsibility as lawmakers and as educators to make this system work. But it is the responsibility of every citizen to participate in it. So tonight, I ask every American to commit to at least one year or more of higher education or career training. . . . And dropping out of high school is no longer an option. It's not just quitting on yourself, it's quitting on your country – and this country needs and values the talents of every American. These education policies will open the doors of opportunity for our children. But it is up to us to ensure they walk through them. In the end, there is no program or policy that can substitute for a parent – a mother or father who will attend those parent/teacher conferences, or help with homework after dinner, or turn off the TV, put away the video games, and read to their child. I speak to you not just as a president, but as a father when I say that responsibility for our children's education must begin at home.”
This quote applies to my fellow peers and I because it is our responsibility to make good decisions. Therefore, if we don't make good decisions it hurts both ourselves and others just like President Obama said. As for myself I honestly believe that us youth around the world should take advantage of all the opportunities we are given, and that we should be able to satisfy ourselves and make both ourselves and others around us happy that we got a higher education example if we decide to attend college. Our generation should make an effort to obtain a higher education because it betters both ourselves and others, and it determines what and how everything will be like in the future. Our generation should strive to complete at least an Associates Degree. This concept inspires me to achieve a higher education to better myself and my country. This also inspires me because as a foster youth I wasn't given a very decent life. I moved around a lot and it caused many changes for me so therefore I do not take things for granted especially my education.

Friday, February 13, 2009

"25 Random Things About Me" :]

1--> I really enjoy listening to music.

2--> My favorite kind of music is Hip-Hop because I enjoy the beat.

3--> Mariah Carey is my favorite female artist.

4--> I have a lovely twin sister named Alexandra.

5--> My favorite kind of chocolate it toffee.

6--> If I could be any animal it would be a polar bear.

7--> When I was little I always wanted to be Britney Spears.

8--> I love to play soccer with my friends.

9--> I have a friend named Latoya and all she wanted for Christmas was donuts.

10--> I have been in the foster care system since I was four years old.

11--> My favorite band is Blink 182, I'm so happy that they are getting back together.

12--> My favorite childhood memory was when I went to Disneyland with my foster mom.

13--> My favorite kind of food is Mexican food.

14--> I enjoy playing board games when I have nothing else to do.

15--> Alexandra who is my twin sister lives in Idaho.

16--> I love to bake cookie, brownies, and cakes but I do not like to cook.

17--> I once went to a Mariah Carey concert in October of 2006.

18--> My favorite football team is the San Diego Chargers, and my favorite players are Kassim Osgood, Quentin Jammer, Philip Rivers, and Mike Scifres.

19--> In the passed two years I have met a few famous people. I have met Mariah Carey, Will Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith, and the Chargers players.

20--> I met Will Smith and his wife through a Minister Deryl Winston.

21--> I dislike black licorice a lot because it tastes like cardboard.

22--> My favorite kind of candy are sour patch kids.

23--> I have a plan to get good grades on my next report card.

24--> I can't stand Metal, or Rock music because it gives me a headache and I can't understand what the words are.

25--> My favorite school subject is English even though I don't do very well sometimes.